Suggested preparation time: 240-300 hours
Duration of exam: 3 hours and 20 minutes
Exam is offered twice a year
Ability level according to the Portfolio Europeo delle Lingue assessment scale (CEFR): B1
Ability level according to the Schneider/North assessment scale: N6

– Written Comprehension (40 minutes)
Journalistic text (350-500 words) followed by 5 multiple-choice questions
Literary text (350-500 words) followed by 5 multiple-choice questions

– Written Production (60 minutes)
Text composition chosen among 4 options (100-120 words)
4 short texts using given indications (30-50 words each one)

– Morphosyntactic and Lexical Skills (40 minutes)
6 phrases to be completed with given alternatives (6 items)
4 phrases to be formed with given elements (8 items)
Fill-in-the-blanks using given words (10 items)
Thematic fill-in-the-blanks (6 items)

– Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)
Personated conversation with 4 true/false questions
Press interview followed by 6 multiple-choice questions
Personated conversation with 6 multiple-choice questions

– Oral exam in pairs (30 minutes)
Short presentation
Image with a short common text to discuss

By passing this examination of the Italian language, the candidate has shown that he is able to communicate, both orally and in writing, in all everyday situations. He understands conversations that deal with topics of everyday life and can participate in these. He is also able to understand texts that deal with these topics and can express his own opinions in writing.