Ravenna, the capital of the mosaics.

– Ravenna is known as the capital of ancient mosaics.  UNESCO has declared Ravenna’s mosaics a World Heritage Site for their beauty and their historical significance.

Visitors come from every corner of the world to study the iconography or, in other words, the beauty and significance of the images in Ravenna’s.The particular techniques that characterise Ravenna’s Byzantine mosaics (the diverse and irregular positioning of the pieces which creates vivid effects of light and colour) are still alive today, not only in the wonderful ancient mosaics but also in the daily professional work of many mosaic workshops based in the city. The Accademia di Belle Arti (Academy of Fine Art) is worthy of special mention.  Born at the start of the Nineteenth Century, the Accademia remains a driving force in the cultural life of our city.

